Hi! I'm Alicia,

a growth-focused product designer who enjoys side quests in front-end development and data analysis

My values drive my work

That's why you'll find them here first.


I believe in sharing designs early and often, being transparent in the areas where I don’t have enough context yet and how to move forward. Ego-free design is my favourite way to work.


I have an insatiable appetite for growth — personal and business growth. One of my favourite compliments is when a teammate said I was “growing insanely quickly in so many areas.”


Empathy is an integral component to design and goes hand in hand with humility. I believe it is impossible to design a great product without empathy for users and teammates.


Working with a great team is the best part of any role and I’m quick to build relationships so we can make amazing things together.

My favourite project so far was also one of the smallest

Don't let the size fool you, the amount of ambiguity was high and I determined the best way to bring clarity was to test a small solution.

My squad at Parabol worked to launch a brand new source of value for users in a feature called Kudos. Within the first three months we saw 7% growth WoW

Parabol Kudos

The most impactful project I worked on was also the most exciting

Imagine getting Slack notifications each time a self-serve upgrade was made and seeing the frequency increase in real time — going from rare to often, once or twice a month to multiple times per day.

Each notification was a celebration for our squad as we reviewed the conversion experiments we were running. Over 10 months we saw 105% increase in self-serve MRR

Parabol Self-Serve Levers

More projects, more learnings

Onboarding concept

Product Onboarding


Finding key dropoff points and recommending steps for improvement and increased qualified users

Parabol Insights

Team Insights


Creating value for team leads by collecting data from Parabol meetings and aggregating them as insights into their teams.

Penguin Random House Book Component


Design SystemRedesign

Helping readers discover books, authors, and events with a new, accessible design system

I'm pretty good at what I do

Take my teammates' word for it

Alicia's feedback is always on point and encourages me to think more deeply about aspects of my work. I know I can rely on her to engage deeply when giving feedback vs just glancing over something on a surface level.

Alicia sees opportunities to help and offers to help. I find her to be empathic and curious, being observant and leading with questions

Alicia consistently gives me good feedback and brings up challenging topics. This is massively helpful for me leveling up and serving the team better

Alicia’s done a great job of setting a vision and a plan for execution across both website and app experiences. She answers questions from devs clearly, and pulls in stakeholders (copy writers, etc.) as needed to move work forward.

I enjoy giving back to the design community

by collaborating with designers, communities, and advocates

Growth Design Podcast cover
Getting started as a first growth hireGrowth Design Podcast · Guest
Growth Design Podcast cover
Designing for MonetizationGrowth Design Podcast · Guest
Amplitude PLG Guide
PLG Guide Vol. 2Amplitude · Expert Quote
Amplitude Logo
PLG Clinic: The Engagement EditionAmplitude · Case Study Participant

Sharing ideas and learnings is my second nature